WETLAND DELINEATION & PERMITTING SERVICES | The wetland staff at Guntlow and Associates, Inc. performs various tasks related to wetland assessment, delineation and regulatory compliance. Our experienced staff works with both the public and private sector throughout western and central Massachusetts, as well as Vermont and New York State. Tasks that are performed by our staff include wetland resource area delineations (both state and federal), wetlands survey and mapping, wetlands education, assistance in rare species studies and reports and permitting at the local, state, and federal levels.
We also design wetland replication areas, slope stabilizations using soil bioengineering practices, temporary and permanent stormwater management structures including engineered wetlands and restoration of altered wetland resource areas. Subsequent to design the phase and plan approval, this work frequently involves monitoring and inspection of the construction work. Monitoring requirements set by the various Conservation Commissions or the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection typically involve preparing site monitoring reports indicating the site conditions that include, but are not limited to, measuring groundwater elevations throughout the growing season, plant success rate, information on anomalies or inadequacies (such as the presence of invasive plant species, failed construction practices, inadequate erosion control devices, etc.), and solutions or plan changes that would remedy or better suit the project.
We have a long standing relationship with local Conservation Commissions throughout Berkshire County. We have also performed work in Franklin, Hampshire & Hampden Counties. We are building our resumes in Vermont and New York, where we offer similar tasks as they apply to their respective wetlands laws and regulations.