Wetland resource area assessments and delineations are the initial step in nearly every project. Whether it is a small residential project or a large commercial project, understanding the extents of on-site resource early on will go a long way in saving cost, time, and troublsome quandaries. The staff at Guntlow & Associates is well versed in resource area delineations including, fresh water wetlands regulated under Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Our extensive wetland delineation procedures include the preparation of state and federal wetland delineation data sheets; comprehenisive wetland delineation reports, detailed analysis of physical and chemical soils characteristics, plant inventories, and hydrological assessments. Because the WPA identifies several different wetland resources areas that each contain different delineation parameters, including jurisdictional inland bank, mean annual high-water lines, and significant wildlife habitats, understanding when such delineations are applicable is also important to recognize and demarcate in order to prepare a thoroughly complete and compliant plan. Accuarately delineating the various jurisidictional wetland resources at the outset of a project is imperative to an efficient, constructive outcome. Guntlow and Associates prides itself with providing such precise delineations.
As part of the permitting processes, we design mitigation and/or replication areas and habitat restoration planning. We also prepare soil bio-engineering design for environmentally responsive streambank structures, stream flow modeling for floodplain elevation evaluations, water flow calculations, planting schedules, and erosion control and sedimentation prevention measures. We also perform site assessments for rare species and exemplary amphibian habitat, including vernal pools.